In 2017 I launched T. Smiles Design and in 2021 I decided to rebrand to T. Winfrey Design, so I understand the feeling of anxiety when it comes to making any changes in your business. The anxiety of will the change impact my brand, will it impact my clients, will it impact my pockets!? It’s natural to have the fear of the unknown but let me tell you, sitting on an outdated website that no longer compliments your brand is even more detrimental than sitting in fear and anxiety. But no worries, as always, I got you!

In this week’s blog post, I am going to tap into those anxious feelings of redesigning your website and provide 5 steps on how to navigate the process with confidence and clarity. By the end of this post you will have a clear plan on how to tackle redesigning your website without the anxiety. 😬

Step 1: Recognize the Need for Change: It's natural to feel hesitant about change, especially when it involves something as precious to your business as your website. You've put time, effort, and resources into building your current site, and the idea of starting from scratch can be overwhelming. However, it's essential to recognize that stagnation is the enemy of progress. An outdated, old clunky, non-user friendly website that fails to adapt to changing trends will essentially fall behind the competition. Take an assessment of your website, a few questions you should answer:

  • when was the last time your website was updated?

  • do you even still offer the same services?

  • have your prices changed?

  • how old is the content on your site, for instance, when was your last photoshoot?

  • and how has the traffic of your visitors changed within the last year?

Step 2: Seek Feedback: After you’ve taken your website assessment, now it’s time to ask your family, and friends for their assistance. Put your support circle to work honey! Task them with visiting your website and providing feedback on their experience. Getting feedback before making any changes will give you an idea of the direction to go when updating your new website. Maybe the website takes too long to load, or the content is inconsistent from page to page, or maybe the colors are off. By seeking support and feedback from your inner circle, those you know who are here to support (and not hate), you'll feel less isolated and more supported throughout the redesign process.

Step 3: Set Clear Goals and Metrics - Before diving into the redesign process, take the time to define clear goals for peace of mind and success. What specific outcomes are you hoping to achieve with the redesign? Whether it's increasing website traffic, improving conversion rates, or enhancing user engagement, setting clear goals will help you stay focused and measure the effectiveness of your efforts. Additionally, identify some metrics that will allow you to track progress and evaluate the impact of the redesign over time. Metrics can look like: increase traffic by 5% within 30-days of launch. But please do not overwhelm yourself with a million 30-day goals, stretch them out for over the course of a year.

Step 4: Redesign in Increments: Please do not stress yourself out planning to redesign your whole website at once. Depending on your platform, you should be able to redesign your website on the backend before publishing to the public. How awesome is that?! That way you can plan to redesign your website one page at a time. Maybe that could look like one page per week, one page per month, whatever works best for you, no worries, no stress! Once all pages on the website have been updated, possibly within 4-6 weeks, then it’s time to hit publish and celebrate the new relaunch! You got this!

Step 5: Celebrate your Wins: Finally, embrace the redesign as an opportunity for growth and improvement. Trust in your vision, you know what your audience needs. Remember that a website redesign isn't just about updating the look; it's about enhancing the user experience, improving functionality, and achieving your business goals. Therefore understand and stay focused on the long-term benefits of a refreshed and optimized website, continue to monitor the results, and celebrate that you’re an agile business owner, able to adjust, adapt, and grow your business as the market changes.


Website redesign can be an overwhelming project, but it doesn't have to be. First by acknowledging your fears, seeking support and feedback, setting clear goals, and redesigning in increments, you can navigate the process with confidence and clarity. Remember, a website redesign isn't just about updating the look; it's about future-proofing your online presence and ensuring continued growth and success. Embrace the opportunity for growth, and you'll emerge stronger, more resilient, and better equipped to achieve your business goals in these ever-changing times.

Until next time lovelies!



Here I share brand strategy, Squarespace web design tips, and resources to grow a successful online business.

Tiffany Winfrey

Tiffany Winfrey is the founder of T. Winfrey Design, Inc., a branding studio that helps business owners create impactful brands for their business. Currently located in Owings Mills, MD, Tiffany utilizes her design talents and affable nature to deliver valuable creative solutions as well as enriched client relationships.


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